The Appraiser News

January 1st, 2008:

New York State, as a result of Federal mandates, increased the hours to enter the field of real estate appraisal from 90 hours to 150 hours. They have also increased the requirements for all 3 levels of licensure. College is now required for Certified Residential and Certified General. The Associates Degree (Cert-Res) and Bachelor Degree (Cert-General) has been reduced to a specific list of courses for those who do not have a degree. You may contact NYS at 518-474-4429 to verify these courses. They are also published at   Several Schools in NYS are approved for these courses. You can contact NYS for more information, or go to  and click on the required courses you desire.

March, 2008:

The NYS Attorney General has signed a voluntary agreement with FNMA and FHLMC which may have serious, specific consequences on the appraisal public in NY State.  Check out for more information.  Many appraisers can understand the reason behind the HVCC and Voluntary agreement, however it takes the independence away from the appraiser and allows entry to the marketplace a host of Appraisal Management Companies. AMC's will be another layer, which will reduce the fees paid to the appraiser, and reduce the interaction between clients and appraisers. It may level the playing field. It may also cost a great deal for appraisers who have worked hard to general contacts for their company. We recommend that each and every appraiser who request that the terms of the Voluntary agreement be modified. We also recommend that each appraiser join one or more appraisal management firms to allow for a transition when and if the HVCC guidelines becomes reality.


There is a problem with fraud actions, forgeries and stolen signatures associated with appraisals. If you need advise, or want to file complaints and streamline your complaints, go to:  for further information and free resources. If you want to speak with Bill Merrell, confidentially, give him a call. All calls will remain confidential. Bill is not an attorney. He has, however worked with over 120 cases which have concluded favorably for the appraiser.

  Bill Merrell (Merrell Institute): Real Estate Trainer in Bohemia, Suffolk County, New York